Competition Submission

Shopee's Power Trio

Revamped chatbot feature of the Shopee mobile app.

Last Updated on
31/8/2022 3:18 AM
My Role

Team Member (UI / UX / Product Design Lead)

⭐ Featured Skillset

  1. Guiding and advising the team on product design topics
  2. Introduced design thinking concepts like the double diamond model
  3. Facilitated brainstorming and ideation process on Miro
  4. Introduced UX concepts like user personas, user journey mapping and service blueprint
  5. Carried out extensive user research: interviews, creating personas and mapping of user journey. ⭐
  6. UI design, creating clickable prototypes on Figma
  7. Introduced product management concepts such as feature prioritization
  8. Designed various artifacts using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
  9. Standardized design and art style across all collaterals to be submitted (prototype, proposal and slide deck)
  10. Worked on proposal especially with regards to content on problem definition, user research and design mock-ups.
The Challenge
Discovery / Research
Reframing the Problem
The Solutions and MVP features
Design Strategy
The Launch
Things that could be improved
The Impact
Runners' Club
Welfare Services Club
Accenture Collateral
CCTeam Initiative