My Role
⭐ Featured Skillset
- Observe users and identify their pain points, needs and goals
- Define a meaningful problem statement
- Transform conceptual ideas into a useful, valuable, and feasible product⭐
- Carried out preliminary user research through interviews and white paper research
- Mapping of user journey, wireframing and prototyping on Figma
- Created design system to allow for rapid and iterative prototyping
- Brand identity design: from naming, typography, colour palette, logo, to UI components, etc.
- Designed various artifacts using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
- 3D modelling of mascot using Blender
- Document business and product strategies using Notion
- Weaving business-related factors – strategic goals, business model, value proposition, etc.– into product design.
- Created a proof of concept (PoC) using GitHub Pages and Calendly
- Started development of MVP mobile app using React Native and Firebase
Refer to appendix for complete user flow including managing bookings and profile, and flow for business users.
Ouiyo was conceived to tackle the problem of working adults having to deal with tedious household chores. The inspiration came from my mother whom I’ve witnessed handling most of the housework at home. She spends a lot of time and effort on these tasks. Though helping her would have been sufficient, I knew this was a bigger problem that most households faced, and I wanted to create a solution to solve just that.
The solution could potentially disrupt the fragmented home-cleaning and domestic helper markets and initiate a societal shift to the management of household chores in a modern family. The project is ongoing.
Home services, and in particular home cleaning, is dependent on trust, and more importantly price as we found out later. The challenge is getting household chores done in a cost-effective and time-effective manner, while ensuring a high standard was kept.
In a Singaporean household, this usually meant employing a full-time domestic helper or part-time cleaner if one could afford it(usually the former), or getting chores done by hand. When one considers employing a full-time domestic helper, the associated monetary cost is high(maid levy, medical costs, living expenses, salary). Doing chores by hand instead would require manual effort and spending precious time.
The only viable compromise then is to hire a part-time cleaner which has transaction costs (in the form of search costs in finding the right cleaner with proper skills, bargaining costs in building trust, and policing and enforcement costs to ensure that the job is done correctly).
Our high-level goals were to:
1. Discover which method(s) were ripe to disrupt
2. Leverage on technology to creation a solution that could scale and minimize the associated costs of said method(s).
3. Carry out competitor analysis for said method(s) and create a solution that provided more value points for users (both seller and buyer) than existing ones.
Domestic helpers
1/5 of households in Singapore hires a maid. The cost of hiring a maid is on average $900 per month with a $3,000 one-off lump sum cost. However, there are also other intangible costs such as having to spare a bedspace for the maid.
Part-time helpers
In 2021, 10,000 households of 1.39 million (0.72%) in Singapore make use of part-time helpers. The cost of hiring a part time maid is around $20/hr. This is significantly more expensive than hiring a live-in domestic helper for the same amount of time working.
In the same year, the government released the Household Services Scheme (HSS) which allowed households to engage part-time household services from 76 companies
Cleaning by hand
Slightly less than 4/5 of families would be cleaning by hand. Depending on each family, the time spent on household chores is around 20hrs / week based on forum results, of which we can assume around half is spent on cleaning i.e., 10 hrs / week. The equivalent cost of a part-time helper would be $200 / week. Hence, it might make more sense to hire a domestic helper instead ($225 / week for longer working hours and completing other household chores ignoring all other costs).
There are a few ways to disrupt the market. The first is to drive down the costs of hiring a domestic helper through disintermediation. The second is to drive down the costs of hiring a part-time helper through disintermediation or optimizing their schedule. The third is to improve the efficiency of cleaning by hand, such as by introducing classes and cleaning supplies.
Since the domestic helper market is saturated, and competition is stiff, it is not ideal for a startup to compete there. On the other hand, since HSS was recently introduced, there is more potential here. The few cases where a part-time helper might be useful includes:
1. when cost is brought done enough for part-time helpers to be feasible
2. when time is limited for those who clean by hand
3. when housewives need additional help with chores
4. when domestic helpers are on leave and households need help (most will wait till domestic helper returns or ask them to finish the chores before they go on leave)
User personas
Based on the use cases, we could narrow down our user personas to two archetypes the modern career women and the housewife. Next, I proceeded to interview my mom, and my girlfriend who fit into the personas.
User interviews
My mom was quick to complain about her situation, but the conversation eventually turned constructive when I brought up the concept of the idea. She mentioned about being able to find home services on Carousell as well, though she never employed any of their service. She preferred to clean the home on her own as she was strict about the standards of cleanliness. Although, she would consider using home cleaning services if it was cheap enough, say only paying for cleaning done on an area of the house rather than paying by the hour.
My girlfriend on the other hand was more receptive of this idea. She mentioned that if such a platform was available, she would no longer have to do any housework. She explained that the younger generation would adopt such an idea more easily because of how we are digital natives. Forming new families would also mean that they were more open to trying out part-time cleaners than families which were already used to having a full-time domestic helper or their mothers helping at home.
Competitor Analysis
From my research, direct competitors included Helpling. Clean on Demand, getbutler and indirect competitors included Carousell. There were also similar companies such as Handy who were very successful in other markets.
Under HSS, direct competitors had to hire their own workers and provide accommodation for migrant workers.
- The modern career woman is the primary target audience while housewives are secondary.
- The biggest local competitor is Carousell and immediate threat to the idea. Our product should be designed in a way that performs better than them, and we should benchmark our performance against them.
- Most home service platforms hire their own employees which meant that they were selling on their own platform rather than allowing sellers to onboard. This meant that they could control the quality of the service and experience but could not scale their businesses as quickly.
This begged the question; how might we improve the experience of the modern career woman in finding and hiring home services as compared to existing solutions?
There were two parts to the solution: the user-facing features and seller-facing features.
The user-facing features were far simpler to tackle. Some pain points mentioned during the interview included finding the right cleaner. Some features we could implement are allowing users to browse individual cleaners who are rated, with their years of experience, relevant certification, proficient languages, and gender listed out so users could pick based on their preferences.
The interface should also be easy to use and navigate, with minimal number of clicks to book, rather than going through many clicks before finding a quotation from the seller. A similar analogy would be ride hailing apps where one could see the price simply by choosing their pick-up and drop-off location.
In terms of the seller-facing features, the seller must be able to view their appointments and manage their own schedules like Calendly. More importantly, they should be able to manage their listings with sufficient controls and freedom, while abiding to overarching concepts that the platform would have (for example requiring sellers to list their service based on area cleaned rather than by time). The seller should also be able to view transactions and be able to credit their earnings back to their bank accounts.
The design process was dirtier as there was no foundation to build on. After brainstorming, creating user personas, researching, and interviewing, I had to think about the business aspects and how it could be incorporated into a seamless user experience. I was working alone so I could skip certain steps – I did not sketch out frames or created user flows but instead create lo-fi wireframes directly which saved me much time. As I designed the wireframe on Figma, questions popped up naturally in my head and I commented using the in-built function. I got back to the comments and redesigned the wireframe as necessary.
The focus of the design was simplicity rather than minimizing the number of screens or clicks in the user flow as there was a high cognitive load due to the large amount of information being displayed and input required from the users.
Iteratively, I improved the lo-fi wireframes and transitioned into designing a hi-fi prototype. At the same time, I came up with brand design guidelines and design artifacts which made the prototype standout. Creating a style library on Figma made work more efficient as I could change aspects of the wireframe by controlling the base components rather than changing each element individually. I have been following the atomic design framework.
Simultaneously I was working on a PoC using GitHub pages and Calendly. Not knowing how to bring the product to a broad market, I launched the PoC targeted at university students to see if there was any demand in being able to book cleaning services online. I could also discover if there were any other niche markets I could tap into. Click here to view the site.
Something different about this project is the evolution of the logo and mascot.
The biggest launch at this point is the PoC which happened just before NTU’s senior move-in dates. I had marketed the product on NTU’s telegram channel and deployed some controversial marketing techniques on Reddit. Unfortunately, there were no sign-ups, but the Reddit post did provided some key insights.
University students were not the right target audience
- They are more price sensitive as they are not working and would rather clean their dormitories by themselves / their families will clean with them on move-in date
- There was bad rep for using a cleaning service over cleaning by yourself.
- Existing solutions like Carousell are still more appealing since certain features were not implemented fully.
More research must be done to determine product-market fit
- Evaluate the feasibility of bringing the cost of services down
There were valuable insights and market data from launching the PoC. Although there were no sign-ups, there were responses to the Reddit post.
The lack of sign-ups on the PoC is foreboding. It raises the question of whether there is a potential market for part-time cleaners. Although there are 10,000 households using such services, will this market grow or be able to grow from introducing a new solution? Customers will continue to hire domestic helpers unless we can effectively bring down the cost of hiring part-time helpers.
More research will have to be done to evaluate the feasibility of bringing this cost down. There is also a need to flesh out core features of the MVP and marketing the product to the right target audience.
Figma Sandbox with hi-fi screens and flows
Aug 2020 - Jul 2021
Student Club | Publicity & Publications Subcommittee
As the Assistant Publicity Officer of the NTU Runners' Club, I had undertaken several design related projects. Starting with the official rebranding by creating a style guide for our club. From there, we used the style guide to redesign our logo, club shirts and social media posts.
Some notable accomplishments included designing collaterals for ruNTUgether and Race Bingo, university-wide events that the club had planned and executed while also advertising and publicizing our sponsors.
During weekly official run days, we Assistant Publicity Officers were in charge of photography and also managing the social media accounts. Additionally, we had the responsibility of leading groups of 5 (limited due to COVID) on the runs.
Aug 2020 - Jul 2021
Student Club | Publicity & Publications Subcommittee
Designed two magazine articles, a longform investigative piece "Apart but Not Alone: COVID-19 & The Elderly" on Page 10-11 and an infographic "COVID 19 in Singapore: A Summary" on Page 32-33, as part of the 15th issue of the club's annual magazine "StandOUT". The magazine was published university-wide.
Aug 2020 - Sep 2020
Personal Project | Education & UI/UX Design
Designed and created Instagram posts intended to teach others about UI/UX design. Topics I have posted about include:
- UI / UX are NOT the same thing
- Why is UI / UX design important
- What about graphic designers
- What is the interface in UI?
- How about aesthetics?
- Brand Identity
- Product Design
May 2020 - Aug 2020
Graphic Design | Page Layout Design | Copywriting
Designed Changi Airport Group's quarterly newsletter and DIVA's product catalogue.
Due to non-disclosure agreement, please contact me for more details!
Aug 2019 - Jan 2020
Student Initiative
Proposed a project “Resumption” which aimed to reduce waste in hotels and raise awareness on responsible consumption in Singapore and Hong Kong.
Led team comprising former members of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) eTournament (see resume) from Taiwan and Hong Kong to ideate and create a sustainable development project lasting up to 6 months and funded for HKD50,000 . Our proposal for "Resumption" had garnered the approval of the reviewing committee over the other submitted proposals. The project was discontinued due to the Hong Kong riots and COVID pandemic which shut down tourism in Hong Kong and effectively stopped our proposal from being implementable.
Project Proposal
Proposal Review and Approval