Startup Project


A home services platform where sellers can list their services and users can book their services on-demand.

Last Updated on
31/8/2022 3:18 AM
My Role


⭐ Featured Skillset

  1. Observe users and identify their pain points, needs and goals
  2. Define a meaningful problem statement
  3. Transform conceptual ideas into a useful, valuable, and feasible product⭐
  4. Carried out preliminary user research through interviews and white paper research
  5. Mapping of user journey, wireframing and prototyping on Figma
  6. Created design system to allow for rapid and iterative prototyping
  7. Brand identity design: from naming, typography, colour palette, logo, to UI components, etc.
  8. Designed various artifacts using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
  9. 3D modelling of mascot using Blender
  10. Document business and product strategies using Notion
  11. Weaving business-related factors – strategic goals, business model, value proposition, etc.– into product design.
  12. Created a proof of concept (PoC) using GitHub Pages and Calendly
  13. Started development of MVP mobile app using React Native and Firebase
The Challenge
Discovery / Research
Reframing the Problem
The Solutions and MVP features
Design Strategy
The Launch
Things that could be improved
The Impact
Runners' Club
Welfare Services Club
Accenture Collateral
CCTeam Initiative